Friday, August 5, 2011

for consideration

another early morning
still and dark
a cat witnesses with a sleepy eye

i make a list:
things to do
things not to forget
nagging things never resolved

...feels empty

then i land on the elusive missing thing

the joyous thing

the charming thing that surprises and delights
takes flight

Sunday, April 10, 2011

time, doing, and not doing

it's sunday morning...
with nothing on my calendar except beers at Hessen Haus,
the day's like an empty canvas.

to do, or not to do?

at the ready:
needles, thread, scissors, plan...

it's taking that first dive into a project
the crux between doing and not doing

do i want to hold the stillness and pleasure of the day
or make the thing that's never been made before --
be a creator?

there's the deadly danger of merely crafting
not finding anything new
not finding any poetry

just fabricating

no thanks...  i'd rather not